Versailles, the sun of Yvelines

Poney-Club de Fourqueux

78112 Fourqueux

Poney-Club de Fourqueux_Fourqueux
Poney-Club de Fourqueux_Fourqueux

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The Poney-Club Saint-Germain-Fourqueux is a pony club with a family atmosphere, which proposes lessons for all age groups from the age of 4, from September to July.

The pony club features:
- an outdoor school of 2,000 m²
- an indoor school of 700 m²
- 10 stables
- stabling for shetlands
- stabling for large ponies
- club house
The national forest nearby is the ideal environment for family rides.
The club boasts the Ecole Française d'Equitation label in the Poney Club de France category.

Numerous activities are organised on Sundays and bank holidays:
* Pony games - Equifun
* Introductory vaulting sessions
* Hacks in the forest
* External competitions
* Birthday activities

The Poney Club takes part in the Championnat des Yvelines and Championnats de France dressage and showjumping championships.

Riding courses are organised during the school holidays (except August) at the Poney Club premises, as well as hacks (Berry, Baie de Somme, etc.).


How to get there?

Versailles, the sun of Yvelines

42 rue du Maréchal Foch

78112 Fourqueux

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